Sunday, August 22, 2010

Narrow Scope: Left 4 Dead 2






Sorry about that, lads. The few times I let Greg out of my sight usually end in tears because he likes messing in my things.


Left 4 Dead 2.

Go ahead and guess which game this is a sequel to. And no, it's not Duke Nukem Forever. Sorry.

As the title implies, this is installment number two of what I believe will turn into a trilogy if my guesses are correct. It is just too easy to make spin-offs of this kind of game. I mean - four people with guns, killing zombies and escaping in the last vehicle to a happy ending in the entire campaign? Who hasn't made a spin-off of that already?

Movie titles are the worst offenders. 28 Days Later comes to mind immediately. Let's see here, you have two men and two women fighting for their survival with assistance from the military who later turn out to be corrupt, and twenty-eight days later, they suddenly get saved by one of the few remaining survivors? Sounds pretty standard for zombie films, don't you think?

Well, Left 4 Dead is just one of those games that can have spin offs made a thousand times and still be good.

Thus: L4D2.

Instead of four normal city-goers, you now play four down-south folks. And, sticking with the Only Female for the Only Guy Player theme, I got slammed with Rochelle. But, this time, I wasn't the only guy player.

It was me, Shamus, Minx, and Nicole.

If you were looking for usernames, that would be LeighAlura, GetAwayFromMeGold, ManateeMinx, and NotNicoleRichie.

So, we start out like what happened in the first game: Everybody gets a Christ-load of ammo for their free new guns, I get a Molotov and chuck it at Shamus and light him on fire ("Sprecken ze stop throwing Molotovs at me?!"), and this time I don't trigger the Witch (o yai!).


This time, I nabbed a new terror from the 'byss.

Meet the Jockey: the Hunter from down south. He doesn't look quite as cool, but still a jerk nonetheless. They carry most of the characteristics from the Hunter, the difference being that they can't jump quite as far and look a lot less cool, and instead of pinning you, you just kind of stumble around a bit until you die, but all the same, I hate them.

So I get hit by one, and while Shamus is "saving" me (with his uzi in my face), a Spitter - also known as a Lady Boomer - came and, as the title says, spit a glob of acid on Nicole, and the damage kept increasing because standing in the spit pool stacks damage, And before I even had time to think, everybody was DEAD because a Charger (redneck Tank) came out of nowhere and pounded the remaining butts into the lake nearby.

We made it less further than the first game.

I laughed so hard that the floor shook because I like pounding my fist into the ground when I laugh. Minx thought there was an earthquake happening, and Shamus thought a stampede was after his pot o' gold.

Shut up, Shamus.

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